Title | Joey’s Formal Waltz – Unscented |
Artist | |
Track ID | 4391 Copy |
Genre | |
Feel | |
Instruments | |
Source | incompetech.com |
License | Creative Commons CC BY 3.0 |
There are NO FARTS in this version. If you’re looking for farts, you want the “Scented” version. Just your average, repeated, beautiful slow waltz with some chill EP and electric guitar. Also available with fart sounds.
This track is free to use even commercially (like YouTube monetization), but you must include the following credits in your video's description (Copy & Paste):
CopyJoey's Formal Waltz - Unscented Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Music promoted by https://freemusicbg.com
and https://www.chosic.com
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Music promoted by https://freemusicbg.com
and https://www.chosic.com